Poly Wrapping Services
Our expertise in re-engineering the supply chain enables PostDoc to produce products at a lower cost and strengthen our client's overall business position.
Poly Wrapping
We have a multi-channeled solution and enclosing capacity to match your requirements, using numerous locations which all have state of the art production facilities. This enables PostDoc to mail large volumes within a small time frame and deliver your campaign on the required doormat date.
Using Buhrs mailing lines which have solutions for 1 to 16 inserts including pens, CD’s and promotional sachets PostDoc is able to deliver everything, from the most straightforward campaign to the more complex inline read and print packs and we are also able to offer solutions for matching data for selective inserts.
PostDoc Services
- Hybrid Mail
- Data Processing
- Paper Enclosing
- Polywrapping
- Finishing
- Postal Services
- Postal Collection
Request a quotation
Why not contact us for a quotation on your printing and mailing requirements
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